Energy Retail Management System

Energy Retail Management System



The Energy Retail Management System acts as an intermediary, connecting private electricity retailers and consumers. Designed to streamline essential services such as billing, payment processing, and invoice generation, the system enhances efficiency in energy utility management. Additionally, it provides functionalities for handling late payments and imposing associated penalties, ensuring seamless operations for both retailers and consumers.

The Problem

In Japan, electricity retailers and consumers face numerous challenges related to billing, payment processing, credentials, and efficient management of contracts. Traditional ways lack integration and automation, causing delays, errors, and customer dissatisfaction. There was a pressing need for a solution that could facilitate smoother transactions, manage user data securely, and simplify the overall experience for all parties involved.

What We Achieved

Our team successfully developed the Energy Retail Management System, which simplifies the complexities associated with managing electricity usage and payments between consumers & suppliers. The system offers a user-friendly interface, enhances security measures with identity authentication for both suppliers and consumers, and significantly improves the overall user experience. It introduces streamlined workflows, reduces manual errors, and ensures timely payments, while also facilitates late payments, thereby benefiting all stakeholders in the energy sector.

Tech Stack

  • Programming Languages: Java, TypeScript
  • Frameworks: Spring Boot
  • Tools & Technologies: Redis, RabbitMQ, Docker, Kubernetes